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Minggu, 10 November 2019

Exemplu Curriculum Vitae ho lian ingles

Curriculum Vitae

I. Personal Details
·         Name                           : Fernando de Jesus Lopes Mendonça.
·         Place & DoB               : Debos, Suai 14 November 1996.
·         Sex                              : Male.
·         Cell Phone                   : +670 76791742, +670 78620846
·         Email                           :
·         Address                       : Taibessi, Has-Laran.
·         Nationality                  : Timorese.

II. Education Background
Formal Education
·         Primary School, Suai-Cova-lima, ogues, Certificate, 2002-2007
·         Pre-Secondary, Suai-Cova-lima, Sandalo, Certificate, 2008-2011
·         Secondary  High School, Suai,Cova-lima, Seran Cotec, Certificate, 2012-2014
·         University High School, Dili, University National Timor-lorosa’e , 2015, “Informatics Department. 

Training / Courses Attended
·         Microsoft Office Course, 14 Marc 2012
·         English Course, Community Center of CovaLima and Center fo Life in Bidau Santana, November 2013
·         Networking, Sitech Center August 2016
·         IT conference, Talk Fusion,  November 2016
·          Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, RYLA   August 2015.
·         Peace Education, Dili, School of Magalaes November 2016

III. Work Experience
Volunteer / Part-Time job
1.      Networking   (Assistant Staff) Dili, Sitech Center  December 2016.
2.      Multmedia  (internship), Talk Fusion, Cova Lima  October 2015

IV. Organizational Experience
·          President administration , Suai Covalima Students Council, 2013-2014.

Skill Possess
·         English, Tetun, Portuguese, Bahasa Indonesia (Intermediate Level).
·         Computer Skills ( Networking, Hardware, Software, Design Graphic and Multimedia)
·         Computer Literacy Microsoft Office - Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point and Access
·         Leadership and Administration

V. References:
1 . Angelino Mendonça, Official Justice in PDS(Procurator  District of Suai, Phone: 76707806
2 . Orlando da Costa, Dorter in National Hosptal Guido Valadares, Phone: 77030020

Fernando de Jesus Lopes Mendonça

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